Youtube Ads , The PPC Show

The Big YouTube Problem [Podcast]

AdStage Team 23 minute read

Welcome to episode #78 of The PPC Show , where we interview the best and brightest in paid marketing. This week we're joined by John Belcher, Teacher at AdSkills.

Some advertisers getting maxed out and priced out on Facebook and are trying to scale your efforts to YouTube. But they are severely disappointed with performance after a week or so.

If that sounds familiar then you want to tune as John, Former Googler and Teacher at AdSkills, talks about YouTube Ads.

Stay tuned to learn:

  • Where most advertisers are failing with YouTube campaigns
  • How to create experiments to set yourself up for success
  • How to utilize different CTAs that get you around the whole YouTube Partner Program requirements

Listen to the Episode

John Belcher

I get to wake up every day and do what I love...teach people how to be more effective with their advertising so they can serve the customers they care about.

If you'd like to improve your results, make sure to check out AdSkills . You can connect with John on LinkedIn .

Transcript and Show Notes

JD Prater: John, welcome to the PPC show.

John Belcher: Hey, thanks so much for having me. I appreciate it.

JD Prater: Yes man. So we're going to be talking about the big YouTube problem. Which I am extremely excited about. But before we get started, this is John Belcher, he's a teacher at AdSkills. John, why don't you go ahead and give us a quick intro?

John Belcher: Yes, so I think recently probably you've listened to my business partner Justin Brooke, AKA the traffic guy that billionaires trust. So Justin and I have teamed up. I'm a former Googler. Worked on the AdWords team at Google. And so saw what Justin was doing, have a lot of opportunity to help educate between AdWords, all the traffic sources, so search, display, YouTube, Gmail, analytics, tag manager.

We've been able to go through and really compile a course list that covers Facebook, all of the Google network, Twitter, a lot of the big traffic sources to help companies really be able to scale. We talk about the big problem right now. People are trying to diversify off Facebook. And so it's really teaching the right way to go through and do media buying.

It's really easy to buy ads online, but it's not easy to do it the right way. We really try and start with that step one approach to help people be really consistent with ad buying. So if you're trying to diversify off Facebook and you really want to know how to succeed, come check out We love doing what we do every day. We've got tons of videos on our YouTube channel.

Justin puts out a daily newsletter called the Daily Edge . And then we've got our entire course library and a forum where you can talk with all of us in there called ProLeague .

JD Prater: Nice, man. I appreciate that and what you guys are doing. We'll be linking to Justin as he was on a PPC Show right about six months ago. And I'll make sure to include that in the show notes. But we're going to be talking about this YouTube problem. And I love that you kinda preface it with diversifying your media stand, that media mix, whatever you're thinking about it.

I think we were going so heavy on AdWords and then we swung over to Facebook and now with the algorithm changes and these higher prices people are now like, "Okay, I need to get off of this addiction of AdWords and Facebook and where are some other different channels?" So that's a really good way to kinda get us started, get us figured out.

But let's get started man. Like what are some things you guys got going on? What do you think about scaling efforts on YouTube . And then we'll just kind of walk through a list here.

John Belcher: Yes. And I think the best place to start is the problem a lot of companies are having. So we just got back from traffic conversion 2018. And the topic was diversification. People are super overloaded onto Facebook, as you said, the trend before that was to be on AdWords doing search ads. And so people kind of flocked to whatever's working best, as they should.

ROI was great on Facebook. But now we call it the max ad load age has been reached. And so the prices are going up. And people are trying to figure out where they can diversify their acquisition sources. And ironically the biggest counterpart to Facebook is YouTube. It's one of those things that's a social platform, people are engaging on there.

So what's been working for people on Facebook, especially if they have video content, is they go over and say let's go try out YouTube. And they start spending, and they spend two or three days on there. And then they just feel like the results are awful. And I see it every single time. People are like "Well we try to spend on YouTube, it failed miserably."

And I kind of ask the question, "Why is that?" And they're like, "Well our cost per views are a lot higher and our cost per clicks." And so it's kind framing this piece of okay, I totally understand why you're doing that. But I always tell people Facebook and YouTube are not apples versus oranges. It's like comparing apples with Japanese. It's two very, very different networks.

And so understanding the two reasons that people fail is they've got poor expectations when they go to YouTube and they're not understanding where to look when they're measuring their results. Those are the two biggest problems that I see.

So when we talk about proper expectations, YouTube does not produce the cheap cost per views, the cheap CPMs , the low level cost per leads, cost per sales. That's typically not what YouTube does well. It's going to be more expensive than Facebook. But the other part that comes with that is the lifetime value of your customers are typically a lot higher. You get very quality users because if they came from YouTube ...  YouTube is an intense platform.

People aren't going and thumbing through their YouTube feeds like they're doing on Facebook. They're going to YouTube to watch something. And that's typically two things. Either to be educated or to be entertained. So a lot of times when we're talking about what Facebook is, we compare Facebook to a newspaper because you're just kind of flipping through the stories and something has to really catch your eye for you to take interest.

With YouTube, it's more like radio. And it's one of those things that up until recently, YouTube was the biggest streaming platform. It was bigger than all the other streaming platforms combined for music. That's recently changed with some platforms that are really growing fast. But YouTube, people are going there to consume, to be educated, or to be entertained. And so it's definitely one of those pieces where it's a different type of attribution. It's a different type of experience.

The average person is spending 40 minutes on a YouTube session . So they're deeply engaged. They are on there for a reason. And so if they see your ad and they like what you're doing and decide to leave that intent based session, that means they're really quality prospect. And so that's the biggest thing, when we talk about expectations, yes prices are going to be different but a view on Facebook is a three or 10 cent view.

A view on YouTube is 30 full seconds. If they decide to hit that skip button, you're not paying for it. So it's a really different expectation. Your cost for leads are gonna be higher, but your lifetime value, your value of your leads, is going to be a lot higher too. And I think that's really important and something people haven't grasped. Was all of that clear?

JD Prater: Yes, man I just hold on ... I'm 40 minutes per session. Whenever I've seen the stats it's like 40 minutes per month on Facebook or like sorry, like per day on Facebook. Whenever I'm thinking wait, this is per session, I might have multiple sessions, is that ... I mean that is nuts.

John Belcher: Absolutely, people are spending a ton of time consuming on YouTube. If they were ... they're going down the rabbit hole and it's one of those things ... you like to watch, my wife likes to watch French bulldog video. We like to watch those together, we're looking for a puppy. All of a sudden, I look up and it's two hours later. We've just watched these videos. I think that's a piece of ... if you're going through and you're looking at this, there's 300 hours of content uploaded to YouTube every single minute. The inventory is just getting bigger and bigger and bigger.

It's everything from small influencers to big brands. People are putting in a ton of contents. At AdSkills we try and put out five to 10 videos a week. Our users have helpful tutorials to go through and buy media better. That's a lot of time spent on YouTube. There's a bunch of inventory but the other nice piece about Google that doesn't exist on Facebook is its kind of intent targeting. That's what's really great about it.

My favorite thing what we do is whether it’d be search display or YouTube is in the market targeting. Since Google is the number one search engine and YouTube is the number two search engine. They are both owned by the same company. They got all this data about what people are searching for and there's a couple types it's targeting on YouTube. There's YouTube affinity audiences , which means here's what you like to do so I love football, I play football in college. I'm a big football fan so I fall into that audience because I'm always looking at football stuff.

If I break that habit and start looking at cars, Google knows that I'm in the market for cars and so that's what's really cool, is you got all this inventory on YouTube but you can start serving your ad strategically at people who are looking for ... if you sell Hondas in Chicago, you can target people who are in the market for cars in Chicago and put your ads in front of them. That's just something that I think is amazing that Facebook doesn't have that type of targeting capability and that's what makes the Google network so useful.

I could go on and on about opportunities I mean it's really cool but I think the really important piece here is when we talk about how you're serving your ads, we've got now the idea that it's a different platform than Facebook but really understanding how you measure is really what makes the difference with YouTube. What's great and what we all love about Facebook or the Google Display Network or AdWords is people are clicking on your ads.

You've got that ability to track, we talk about dynamic tracking, on Google its value track parameters. The ability to pull and all this quick context information. Excuse me, makes it super valuable. You can see exactly where people are coming from and go back and focus on the ad sets that are producing the highest level. That doesn't exist with YouTube, at least not to the same extent because like I said if people are on YouTube, they're there for a reason. They're watching, they want to be entertained or educated.

Typically, what happens, is they're going to open up a new tab and search for the name of your product or your business. So, Dollar Shave Club is the example that everybody knows about. When Dollar Shave Club started running their ads, they didn't see a bunch of clicks through to the website, they saw their organic traffic have this huge spike because they ran the ad, people were searching for it. I think they sold out something in like 48 hours all of their inventory.

That's the concept of how this works and so oftentimes when someone says they ran YouTube traffic, they were trying to come over from Facebook and it didn't work. I'll go audit their Google Analytics account and you'll see this big bump in organic traffic that comes back down once they stop spending and they didn't realize that, that was where they should be looking. I think that’s really important and that's why I love your product so much.

AdStage integrates with Google Analytics , it allows you to build reports when you start YouTube campaigns and you can see, here's what our organic traffic looks like, here’s what our direct traffic looks like and then here's what our YouTube spend is. When we pair those up to each other you should see a big camel hump for the days that you're spending. If you don't see that, your ad is not producing the right message.

I see that as long as we produce a good message, we see that big bump in organic traffic and then we go through and we see our conversions from that route. I mean it's just some really incredible stuff as long as you know where you're looking, does that make sense?

JD Prater: Yes, man so let's break that down with some of this attribution stuff and the measurement piece because I'm sure there's a lot of performance marketers and like no, I must have like low cost per lead or something, right. One thing that you said earlier was looking further down the funnel, understanding LTV and then also looking at how it's impacting other channels like organic, right? Is that correct so far?

John Belcher: Absolutely.

JD Prater: Cool, so whenever you guys are out there and you're running your YouTube campaigns, it's really important we go that far. Whenever you're looking around attribution and you're ... by saying Google Analytics, you're comparing organic but even for the campaign level, let's say like B to B, right. I always like it because its way harder than like B to C and you're looking at your lifetime value of your ... of YouTube. Is that something that you're tracking through with like CRM and you're just really trying to figure out where this person is coming from, how long does it take and that's kind of how you're thinking about that funnel?

John Belcher: Yes, so typically what we do whenever we’re looking and we use tools like weekly reports. It allows you to look long term over the campaign perspective and so the thing that's really important about this is cohort analysis. A lot of times ... this is the piece that people ... I know that the traditional direct marketers are really angry.

I always tell them, I know that you hate me because I'm telling you to try to have a little bit of faith it what we're talking about here and so some of my biggest clients have been to a piece of like, we got to have faith, I'm asking you for three days of faith to trust me that I know what I'm doing to push this the right direction.

It's really hard to do but it's really cool when you see, if their sales cycle is three days or seven days or 14 days. You run those campaigns long enough for one sales cycle. They'll see we had this huge rise in organic traffic and then once we look in our CRMs, our organic cohorts are really producing at a high level during those times.

It's one of those pieces where that's a difficult piece for them to hop onboard with but once they can see those kind of results ... here's the top of funnel, we see this big increase in top of funnel, then middle funnel, then bottom funnel. As I see that cohort producing and moving through that’s the way that we talk about that. Does all of that make sense?

JD Prater: Yes, I really like that one. It’s a really good piece of advice for all those listening. It's understanding the cohorts but then also understanding how long to run that experiment, which I think is a great next thing we should get into.

Running YouTube ads for as long as a sales cycle and then do you have any advice for like a budget you know when you're going out, let’s say, I'm running hot on Facebook, I'm running really good on AdWords, how do you position that conversation to say, “Hey trust me, I need X amount of budget to test for X amount of days?”

John Belcher: Beautiful question, that leads right into my next point. When people are going through and testing this, if you've got a new business or you really just only been marketing on YouTube, it's really easy to go through because you're going to ... you don't have a ton of volume traffic coming through in order to ... you can see that organic and direct traffic lift really with any budget.

I always tell people, don't go less than $50 a day but if you have traffic, if you've got a good Facebook presence or AdWords and you've got this ... you're driving hundreds of thousands or tens of thousands of visitors a day, you're going to have to spend so much on YouTube to see a big bump. It really doesn't make sense and that's why we talk about ... we developed something call isolation experiments.

Basically, what that is, is taking a funnel and you move it to its own URL that you're only going to promote on YouTube. I do this with a lot of clients, we just basically duplicate their clip funnels, move it over to a new URL and just promote that URL or if we just have a different name of the product, we just go through and strategically flip that so the only thing pushing there is going to be from YouTube.

That allows us to isolate that traffic and quantify it from there. I can give you the best example of this, Soda Stream was trying to figure out how to quantify YouTube spend ... well, know this is like four or five years ago before they really started using it heavily. Their idea, they created this fake brand called heavy bubbles and they got the guy who was the mountain in the Game of Thrones.

He's the world's strongest man to go through and basically these are like dumbbells with carbonated water. People are going and they watch the ad, they thought this was really interesting. They would type in heavy bubbles, like I said organically research go over there and actually start the checkout process and when it said, buy now it popped up and said like this is fake, are you serious? Who would make this thing?

Come check out Soda Stream. What that allowed them to do is go through and isolate that YouTube traffic, figure out how much it costs somebody to come to the site, their cost for each of the steps in their funnel and then to roll that back into their main sites because they have millions of people visiting this website on a daily basis.

That allowed them to develop a level of trust with that traffic source and really be able to utilize it in a way that they understood and really believe in, does that makes sense?

JD Prater: Yes, that's a really great experiment. I love that one. For all of you guys out there I mean go out there like he said. I think something easily tangible that we can all start to do is just create a new URL that you're going to be promoting and the only traffic going to that one is going to be from YouTube If you're looking to quantify.

I think that's a great piece of advice, any other advice you have for creating different types of experiments that are going to lead advertisers to success?

John Belcher: Yes, I think the biggest thing is going through ... a lot of marketers talk about splintering up your offers. If you've got a main offer of a product and you can just take a portion of that and promote it by itself. Whether that be elite magnet or a small dollar sale. So something like Coopery, they did a great job on YouTube but if they want to just promote a specific piece of their product.

So if it was just one type or if they had a new scent coming out or whatever that was. If it was "Smells like roses," if that was the name of the particular scent they were doing, they could go through and promote just that little sliver of their product line in order to say, “Okay, great this is our normal products, our normal website but if we create one just for this product, that will allow us to focus on once again our core offering without having to do a whole lot of extra work.” Does that make sense? Does that example make sense to you?

JD Prater: Yes, that’s a good one and plus Coopery is just really ... they killed it a couple years ago with just and the most amazing video ad I've ever seen.

John Belcher: Absolutely, and I'll give you an example from our business. We've got a course called traffic traps, Justin and I have spent about 17 years and 20 million dollars on ad spend working on this ... on paid traffic. Having the opportunity to go through and promote that course. It's the seven lessons where most people mess up with traffic and so we offer that as a very early ... we just want people to understand what it takes to be successful.

We could go off and create a specific URL for traffic traps and just promote that one course, create a YouTube ad and talk about, here's the seven biggest problems that people have when advertising whether on Facebook or Twitter, or YouTube or wherever. That's something we can isolate that particular product, promoted it over there and really get people to come through and see the experience with our business. That’s how we would look to do that with our own business.

JD Prater: Nice, as we get into this like CTA aspect, there’s something I've always find fascinating with YouTube videos. Is like you really have to have a strong thumbnail. You really have to have a great description, title like the SEO side to ... YouTube has always been really fascinating to me. What are some things that you found around ... utilizing difference CTAs?

John Belcher: Absolutely, so the CTA side with YouTube as far as the ads go, the YouTube Partner Program has made it a lot more difficult to have clickable things on your video ads. It used to be able to have cards and end screens but now you have to have a 1000 subscribers and 4000 hours of consumption the last 12 months in order to be able to put any clickable CTA on your videos. Which makes ... not a lot of channels really qualify for that.

When it comes down to clickable things, there's something called the CTA overlay. That's the best option, it works across desktop and mobile. I was chatting with Tom Breeze about this at trafficking conversion, Tom is another big YouTube guy. We like to see here overlay and YouTube actually just created a new conversion optimizer that's actually getting people to focus on it more. They've got some new betas rolling out.

They’re making it look nicer. They're working on the click ability aspect but overall, like I said if you're trying to compare cost per click from Facebook to YouTube, like YouTube is going to lose every single time. It’s that piece of, what else did you do from the CTA perspective to really try and either quantify or make sure that you're capturing people's intent and in a way that works and so my favorite thing recently we've started using little text updates.

If you like the copy of whatever text AdStage to 4422. Having that the ability ... whether you're watching TV or something on your desktop or something on your phone, your phone's always right next to you. Someone really wants it, all we're doing is have them text that number and then there are some companies are going to have them send their email back to opt-in, we just send them the link directly.

We've got GTM tags, we know what the opt in page is, so we'll just say, "You know this came from YouTube, this is the video," and so if you've got five different creative, you can create different upfront text for each one, split test your ads that way. The other thing that was really bright that we were talking about at traffic and conversion and this is something I'm going to start working on, is a lot of people are using Facebook Messenger box.

I like Messenger box. I think it’s something's going to get really burned out really quickly. We as marketers tend to abuse stuff. I've already just had something today where the email side you can ignore the email but you can’t ignore messenger. It's something where it's like, where we're going to use messenger for is quick delivery.

What I want to do is try and push more people from YouTube over to Facebook messenger so if we can deliver whatever that piece of content that we're promising over to messenger, now we've got them tracked both on YouTube and Facebook. What we've been doing historically is actually pushing from the people from Facebook to YouTube playlist, that works really well so that way we can have them pixelled on both networks and be able to re-target and to make sure you’re staying in front of people. Did all that make sense?

JD Prater: Yes, we're going to have to unload a lot of the stuff, this is some good stuff.

John Belcher: It's pretty exciting.

JD Prater: I know, again, that’s why I love the PPC Show mostly because I'm selfish and I love to geek out on this stuff. I find it absolutely fascinating what other people are doing in the industry. I love this idea of texting because I think about it my own personal use of YouTube. Yes, I like doing work hours probably on a desktop but when I'm at home I'm probably watching YouTube videos on my phone.

The ability to text is actually a really great idea. Do you have any recommended providers that you're doing now with to say, "Hey, text AdStage at this number and it ops you in?"

John Belcher: Yes, if you're using one of the standard landing page tools, so click funnels has a text opt in, lead pages. I bought lead pages way back in the day. I’ve got lead digits for it and just super simple. I would say the biggest thing with that is, I’ve hacked the responder, you're supposed to be asking for an e-mail opt-in personally, I don't like that.

I don't like asking someone for their email over text. It just to me doesn't seem like that's not where I would want to give my email address. Some people have had a lot of success with that, that's just not something I'm particularly interested in. I just hacked it rather than asking for their email address I just sent them the link right there.

They can click and go through the process and answer it the way that they desire. Once again it's all about how you feel about things but that's how I've just taken the existing technology and morphed it to what works for me. Both of those providers do a great job with that.

JD Prater: That's really cool. The other part I want to break down to talk about different like ad creative within the YouTube video. How are you guys thinking about ad creative when it comes to YouTube? I know it's something that we talk a lot about for Facebook. I know it's coming to YouTube and it’s just not a lot of people really discussing how to run experiments as far as the thumbnail image or how to get people to even click. How do you think about?

John Belcher: That's one of the things ... YouTube's coming out with a tool that will allow you to actually create thousands of different pieces and more or less piece together video ads. We’ll see ... I'm not particularly excited about it I think it's something that could be really cool. I just think the ability to produce video is something that's a little bit more difficult for the average business especially highly produced video.

What I found, I always highly recommend the teaching videos. My clients really work with the whiteboard or the easel to be like, I just want to teach you something, let me give you value upfront and then talk about where else I can lead you. You don't have to have a ton of high production value. We have an ad that we spent almost $2 million on, and it cost them like 30 bucks to make it.

It was just something where we literally had to go buy a whiteboard, a couple pens and something to stick it to the wall and it's made the company millions and millions of dollars. It's one of those things that when you talk about setting up your experiments, one of the things that we teach that AdSkills is what we call the five by three method. Five ad groups, three ads within each ad group.

I'm sure Justin talked about that a lot on his shows I won't beat it to death. I just think it's one of those things of, when you can go through and split tests if you can make three ads whether it be a different beginning what's really important with YouTube are the first five seconds.

If you don't make it through those five seconds, a lot of people are going to click that skip button, which is fine because if they skip it, you don't have to pay for it. What's really important is making sure if you lead into a video, you are really capturing in a very quick way, what it is that’s so important to that person. What's their pain or their gain?

That's the kind of stuff that we talk a lot about in one of our research courses, is figuring out what someone’s heaven and what's their hell and where they currently at. If you can figure out what that Hell is, how they can get to where they want to go and call that out the first five seconds, it makes a really big difference as far as getting someone to watch.

You can do that with curiosity, you can do that with direct call outs, there's a million different ways to do that but the skip button there is your friend and your enemy and it really just comes down to what message is really going to resonate with your audience. After that doesn't have to be this big production, it's just something as far as telling a story or teaching a lesson.

JD Prater: Nice, really good strategy tips there. That's the kind of thought process that will never be automated whenever we think about where automation is going. Yes, YouTube might be able to create thousands of different ads for us but they can't think through the heaven and the hell and how I'm going to put those together and the putting together the first five second. Fantastic advice there.

The last one I want to just pick your brain around is even like AdStage, we don't have a thousand subscribers. Do you have any tips, advice for the brands that are under a 1000 subscribers with this new change of how can we get there, what are some ways that you think we should think about for 2018?

John Belcher: Absolutely, there is a couple things that we're doing with our business. Number one, we use a tool called verified giveaways that you can go through and say, "Hey, we're doing a contest this month for Amazon gift card for $100. All you have to use click here, sign up, subscribe to our channel." There's one thing ... just to give you an insider tip with this is, your giveaways automatically promoted to everybody in the world.

Sometimes there's just ... at least whoever is visiting the site, and sometimes it's those people that go through and click on that. We asked them to remove it from the recommended once and only the things that we promoted to. We know there are subscribers and not a bunch of junk. That's one of the ways we’re doing.

Honestly, what I did, I went through and created a YouTube video that's just me sitting in front of it and I wrote down, I came up with 300 YouTube videos that I was going to produce this year. My goal is to get our channel to 500 by the end of the year.

I wrote them all down and then I sat there and held them up in front of the screen and said I'm going to be producing all of these videos and I made it so that targeting is people who've watched one of our videos but are not subscribe to our channel. You have the ability to go through it and segment that way say and so I said but the big problem is that you are not subscribed to our channel.

We just run that as retargeting all day, we spend $2 a day and we typically see 10 to 15 people subscribe. You're getting an amazing cost per subscriber. It’s people who are already consuming your content. Just getting that subscription piece in place isn't something a lot of people do, they don't necessarily have that call out.

Just running that as a retargeting ad, we use an end screen its super simple, you just click a button in the middle of the screen and people can subscribe to your channel. We've been getting like three or eight cent subscribers consistently day over day and this channel started with practically nothing. It's something that's worked pretty well for us.

JD Prater: Nice, you think about three days cents and you multiply that out to get to 1000 and you realize, "Hey, it's just a couple hundred bucks and you’re there," cool stuff man. That's an excellent place. I've got no more other questions. The only ... actually, I take that back. I do have one more question. My last question is really how you guys think about this cross-channel, like promotion of each other?

A lot of times again, performance marketers I'm so focused on leads, lead quality that I don't do a good job of really pushing people to other channels. You were saying that you WEre using Facebook to push people to YouTube. Tell me how you think about that and how you quantify those numbers?

John Belcher: This is one of those things that once again little bit of a faith play. It’s really hard for direct response marketers to go with. I would never consider myself a brand a marketer sometimes we tease people that we do brand marketing. The big piece here is that in the B-to-B world, so you brought  B-to-B sales. I used to sell medical equipment, I know all about the B-to-B sale process.

The thing is that 70% of people, they've done 70% of their research before they've ever talked to a sales person. We're just taking that and making that the same opportunity out on internet marketing, is let's just educate people. Educate, educate, educate. If you can do that across multiple channels they're going to see you're putting so much value out there.

If you can get someone’s pixels on Facebook and YouTube or any display Google network, you're covering about 95% of the world as far as retargeting goes. You can get concept back in front of them. If you continue to educate them and build back good will. If you do that and you show that you just have better information than other people, they're going to become a customer.

That piece that we have faith in our process that we're putting out great stuff we really care about our customer’s results. At the end of the day, it's one of those pieces that if you've got a hard core VSL on a single product, it's a little bit harder to buy into that. If we have a business that's really focused on educating our customers and moving them forward.

I'm really only able to answer that particular question from my vantage point. If you got any other clarifier I’m happy to take it but that's how we approach it.

JD Prater: No, it's the typical digital marketer answer of “It depends” as we like to say. That's a really good answer and it's something that even makes me think and challenges my own assumptions a lot of times of what I'm trying to accomplish on certain channels and a lot of times thinking more holistically if I can cover over 90% of the Internet in getting people on different channels and on channels that they want to engage with.

We're talking 40-minute sessions between when you think about Facebook, you think about YouTube and creating that content. Cool man. That's a fantastic episode. I've learned so much today even just from different tools, talking about different funnels, different attribution, looking at different channels to measure success. John, thank you so much man for coming on the show and sharing all of your YouTube knowledge with us.

John Belcher: Awesome. Thanks so much for having me and looking forward if you’ve got questions come check us out at AdSkills we’d love to help out.

JD Prater: Yes, where can people find you on Twitter or LinkedIn? How do people connect with you?

John Belcher: They can connect with me on LinkedIn that's kind of where I spend a majority of my time but if you come in to AdSkills like I said if you've got questions about your specific campaigns, there's a product that we've got called Prolyl which is a forum where people come and ask Justin and me questions about their campaigns. We look at loom videos a lot all day, people ask you specifically just write up somebody debug writing a script.

It's just that the ability to come in and chat with us directly about paid advertising is probably that's something that we love to do. We've got to a point that our customers get so much value out of it. If you want to talk about page traffic and really how to improve your campaigns, we’re available all time.

JD Prater: I'll make sure to put a link in there for anyone who wants to follow up.

John Belcher: Cool.

JD Prater: Thanks again man.

John Belcher: Awesome. Thanks again.

JD Prater: See you.

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