The PPC Show , Google Ads

The Explosive Growth of AdWords Shopping Campaigns

AdStage Team 21 minute read

Welcome to episode #81 of The PPC Show , where we interview the best and brightest in paid marketing. This week we're joined by Nate Velazquez, PPC Account Manager at Seer Interactive, to talk about how to take advantage of the explosive growth of AdWords Shopping Campaigns.

Did you know that Shopping campaign spend increased 40% YoY in Q1, and accounted for over 60% of retailer search clicks, according to the latest Merkle Q1'18 report ?

The new Shopping campaign type combines Shopping and display remarketing campaigns to deliver your ads across Google’s entire suite of sites and networks. Reach relevant and valuable potential customers while they’re looking at content across, the Google Search Network, the Google Display Network, YouTube, and Gmail.

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Nate Velazquez

Nate started his career in digital marketing by starting and founding an eCommerce website while in grad school. While his website didn’t generate a ton of income, it did lead Nate to joining a digital marketing agency in Tampa, Florida, where he discovered his passion and skills in PPC and eComm. After honing his PPC chops for several years in Tampa, Nate moved back to Philadelphia to join the Seer team in August 2016. He works with both lead gen and eCommerce accounts, working with clients to increase demand and sales through PPC. He works hard to solve every problem he encounters and share his learnings with his team. Nate’s also shared his knowledge with students, teaching at the University of Tampa, the University of South Florida, and his alma mater, Temple University.

Best Seer Moment
Crushing a client’s Black Friday 2017 performance for both total revenue and return on investment:

  • Cyber Monday saw a 55% increase in ROI and a 17% increase in revenue generated YoY!
  • Black Friday saw a 85% increase in ROI and a 76% increase in revenue generated YoY!

Show Notes and Transcript

JD Prater: Nate, welcome to The PPC Show.

Nate Velazquez: Yeah, JD. Thanks for having me. I really appreciate it. Thanks for having me on.

JD Prater: Yeah, man. So, for those that don't know, Nate and I connected at Hero Conf. He was there.

He was actually attending my session and I said at the end, "Hey, if you guys are interested in coming on the show, come on up and talk," and Nate was the very first person that walked up and said, "Hey, I want on."

So, Nate, tell the listeners who you are and what you got going on.

Nate Velazquez: Yeah, definitely. So, first off, great session. I think a lot of the speakers at Hero Conference are better in filled.

It's always great hearing from you guys in the space. Personally, took a lot out of your session so, really looking forward to implementing some of those, connecting the tactics to the different pipelines.

Yeah, so, I've been at Seer about a year and a half, close to 21s. I've mostly focused on legion and ecom clients. So, I really have a good amount of experience there.

Actually, I just got a memory on my Facebook timeline that about four years ago today, I launched my eCommerce website and I launched my eCommerce website while I was still in school, trying to make some money on the side.

Didn't really work out the way that I wanted to but if I had launched it with all the knowledge I have now, I'm sure it would be a much different story.

So, I definitely feel a lot of weak LS paids when it comes to performance for shopping key app paids.

So, that's where a lot of my experience comes from.

JD Prater: Very nice. And yeah, so, for those listening, we've had Seer on, we've had Gil on almost a year now, we had Stefan on back around November, December time.

He was talking to us some really cool stuff and how he's using analytics to basically score people on these behaviors.

So now, Nate's going to come on and talk to us about some explosive AdWords shopping growth, which he was able to kind of share some stats and they were kind of staggering.

So, Nate, man, what are we seeing over here when we talk about AdWords shopping campaigns ?

Nate Velazquez: Yeah, absolutely. So, I think most account managers or people in house can tell that AdWords is growing year over year in terms of cost and spend.

So, just looking at a report from Merkel, about 76% of retail search spend comes from shopping campaigns. So, the actual PLAs as opposed to the text ads, which is pretty significant.

We look at some of the different aspects of shopping campaigns and we look at fashion and apparel. They spend much more on shopping campaigns, as opposed to text ads, about 84.6%.

And then for another popular segment here is the consumer electronics, which spend actually a little bit more around 86.1%.

So, the way that Google is serving up ads for retails has definitely shifted towards shopping campaigns over the past couple years and I think a lot of us in the space, I've noticed that it have reacted accordingly.

JD Prater: Yeah, I mean, one of the ones on there kind of got me getting part of that Merkel was like, "There's a 40% increase in spend year over year in Q1 of 2018."

So, that's a huge number when kind of think about where people are spending, where they're kind of putting their time.

Do you think that a lot of this was really Google messing with how they actually serve the ads, where they're placing the ads or do you just sort of think retailers are finding great results? And so, they're putting more money behind it and they're really kind of getting that ROI that they're looking for.

Nate Velazquez: That's a great question. Personally, I think it has a lot to do with the fact that when you're trying to actually buy a product, you like to see the image, you like to see the description.

We like some of those product attributes that you can't normally get from a text ad so, I would imagine that Google AdWords has seen their performance om shopping campaigns and started to serve PLAs at a higher rate compared to text ads and advertisers have responded accordingly.

That would be my best guess on that.

JD Prater: Nice, nice.

Yeah, it's really great to kind of see that. So, taking all that, increasing clicks, increasing spend, that's how people want to shop.

So, what can we do as advertisers to make sure that we're really putting the best foot forward when we think about creating those shopping campaigns?

Nate Velazquez: Yeah. That's a great place to start.

So, I think when it comes to the shopping campaigns, the most important thing to remember is that all of your product attributes come from your product feed.

So, there's no keywords for shopping campaigns so, the only way that AdWords will know what products to serve based on different queries is from the attributes on your product feed.

So, I think that's step one. I think step one for most retailers should be take a look at their product feed, see what attributes are there, ensuring that they have all the required attributes to run shopping campaigns but obviously, look to provide some of those additional attributes that aren't necessarily required but definitely would give you an advantage when it comes to searchability, when it comes to being eligible for the shopping section on Google and just having better results against your competitors.

I'd say the product feed should be your number one place to start.

JD Prater: Nice. And whenever you're thing through product feeds, do you have any favorite tools that you're using or anything to pull those?

Because it's one thing when you have a couple hundred and you can easily maintain it in a spreadsheet but when you've got tens of thousands, millions of products, how do you guys work through that and think through it?

Nate Velazquez: Yeah. So, I think it depends on the retailer. I know that a lot of the clients that we work with here at Seer, a lot of them use third party vendors to manage their feeds.

There's some really great tools out there. Obviously, it can get a little expensive. Some of them charge by the skew.

So, if you've got tens of thousands of hundreds of thousands of skew, it's definitely going to get pretty expensive.

But I think you need to think about it like this: would you rather invest in a third party platform that helps you manage your feed for you and they have all the technical knowledge and all the expertise, probably a faster lead time, as opposed to hiring someone internal who would have to make all those changes to the feed, would have to diagnose everything themselves and you might deal with some lag or some lead time internally.

So, I think whether you're working with a client or whether your in house can even weigh those costs accordingly and see where you're going to get the most bang for your buck.

Either go third party or hire someone dedicated internally.

JD Prater: Yeah. And it's also one of those things too when you think about what you're doing from eight to five, five days a week.

I don't think I want to be that guy that's managing a feed in a spreadsheet all day, everyday so, yeah.

Nate Velazquez: And to that point, I've worked with some clients over the past couple months where they weren't using a feed management tool and to get them too update their titles or to update the descriptions or to add different attributes to the feed, it would take weeks.

We usually talk to our clients once a week and every week it's, "Hey, how's the product feed going?" And they say simply, "It's going."

So, just on the frustration side, you might want to explore those options too. I know that a lot of people in house probably deal with those issues on their end.

JD Prater: Yeah. You kind of mentioned this and I wanted to get your take on this.

Do you have any tips for titles or descriptions, how you guys think of optimizing those?

Nate Velazquez: Yeah, absolutely. So, when it comes to titles, generally the longer the better.

I've looked at some product feeds where the title is just like a generic shirt. It might be "Bro T-shirt" or something like that. That doesn't tell me what this t-shirt is, what the attributes are, what color it is, what size it is, who is it even for.

So, just one of the things we always preach here at Seer is try to add as many attributes to your title as reasonable.

You certainly don't want to keyword stuff but if I have that same t-shirt, that "Bro T-shirt" and I rename the title something along the lines of "Men's bro t-shirt, medium" and if it's a brand t-shirt, I would add the brand name in as well.

Those titles tend to perform much better than shorter titles which don't have much product attributes.

So, that's the way that I would think about it. If you see an ad on the search results and you type in a specific iPhone model number, you're probably pretty close to the bottom of the funnel. You're more likely to click on an ad that has the same product attributes that you searched for, as opposed to generic iPhone 6 title, if that makes sense.

JD Prater: Yeah. I think those are all really good tips. I think those are the things that we all kind of geek out on, of where do I put this information, how do I put it, and just really tying to figure out the best way to source it but also, make sure that we're writing the right things.

So, cool, man. So, let's just say we've got our product feed, we've got it connected to our merchant center account, we're ready to start some campaigns, how do you kind of think through segmenting whenever you're going through those products?

Nate Velazquez: Yeah, that's a great question. I can speak to this knowingly from my small time experience as someone who ran an eCommerce website but also as an advertiser.

Use your website navigation. It's by far one of the easiest ways to start. Most retail eCommerce websites have men's products, women's products, shoes, accessories or whatever it may be.

I would recommend starting with their site navigation. I'm sure your product feed is probably broken up pretty similarly so start with one division of your products. Maybe it's just men's t-shirts or maybe it's just accessories.

Get all those products uploaded to the merchant center, ensure there's no disapprovals, ensure that all your products are being pulled in the correct way.

And the once you have all that set up, hop over to AdWords, get a shopping campaign set up. I like to personally break up my shopping campaigns into different ad groups.

Some eCommerce managers will just use all products in. I'm more of a fan of breaking it out the ad group level.

So if we stick with our t-shirts example, our men's apparel example, it might me men's t-shirts as one ad group, men's shorts as another ad group, different training here so, it might be rash cards or sports apparel, men's accessories.

I kind of break it out that way and then from there, once you actually have those sub products broken out, you can look to ad different product groups, exclude certain product groups.

So, this is where a lot of the segmentation shopping really becomes pretty powerful when you start excluding different product groups.

So again, the men's apparel example. If I have a t-shirt ad group, I'm probably going to want to exclude shorts, fitness apparel, accessories, everything along those lines.

And then if you want to get even deeper and this is where a lot of eCommerce managers are really going to nerd out, add those custom labels.

So, if custom labels are added to the product feed and they can be broken up in a bunch of different ways. Some of the more popular ways are to break it out into top versus bottom sellers, seasonality so, you might have a bunch of products with a custom label of spring or a custom label of summer or something along those lines.

You can also break it up by price. So, a lot of retailers will have price points. As for custom labels, it might be 19.99 and bellow or 20 to 49.99 and 50 to 99.99 or whatever your price tiers are.

That allows you to go into the product groups and set different bids for products that might have a higher average order value. So, you can have them served a little bit ahead of the products that maybe you still want to sell but they don't give you as much of a margin, it that'll make sense.

JD Prater: Yeah, definitely. I think those are some really good tips. So, for those that haven't quite catch it so, segmentation. Definitely start having a plan first.

When ever you kind of think through your plan of how you're setting up your campaign and campaigns in your ad groups, do you create a map in maybe using spreadsheets just so you can kind of map everything or are you guys just kind of using the product feed once you're in there to create as you go?

Nate Velazquez: It definitely varies but I'm a big fan of using a map, something as simple as a short excel with these are the products that we want to include in this campaign, these are all the sub products, the set we want to break everything up.

It makes a nice visual for you boss or for your client or for whoever it is that way, everyone's on the same page about how things are going to be broken out.

I find it to be pretty helpful.

JD Prater: Nice. And for those just getting started, you were talking about starting small. What do you mean by small?

Just a sub set of products and then kind of scale from there or do you start small with bidding or budget? How do you kind of think through that?

Nate Velazquez: I think it depends on what your immediate goals are. Now we're in the middle of Q2 so, now's a pretty good time to test.

If we were in Q4, I would not recommend testing at all. That's when a lot of eCommerce businesses make a majority of their money so Q4 should be smooth sailing, ensuring that you have budget, ensuring that you have full visibility on all your products.

But now that we're in Q2, you might want to start off with a particular product sub set so, looking at t-shirts or if you just launched a new spring line or a new summer line, that might be a good place to start.

You could also look at testing out different automated bidding rules. We've been exploring lots of automation here at Seer, whether it's target rule ads like target CPA.

So, you can definitely expand that way as well. Maybe look to set up a new campaign, set the budget a little bit on the lower end, depending on how much your monthly budget's going to be and then, look to set up some automated rules.

Definitely give it enough of a learning period. I think sometimes some of us eCommerce managers will freak out if we don't see our EOS as above what our goals are within the first couple days.

But I think we need to let those automated rules learn so, whether it's target EOS or target CPA, give it about three to four weeks to it to learn.

I know that sounds like a long period but like I said, this is what you test in Q2. Get those learnings so that you can use them in Q4.

JD Prater: Yeah, that's a really good one for everyone listening is if you're going to be using realistically these AI tools, when you think about target ROIs, you're thinking about these bidding algorithms.

They need time. They need data to really understand and to lever. I remember back in agency days, we were working with one of the big bidding algo vendors out there and they said, "Well, we need at least six weeks to learn and then we need six weeks to optimize."

So you're like, "Wait, 12 weeks? I have to wait a whole quarter before you're going to be good at knowing what's going on?" And it was kind of eye opening to kind of hear because you just, again, maybe it's just me thinking, "Oh, this is only going to to take a day or two, right? You guys are so good. You guys will get it figured out," but it was a tough one.

Nate Velazquez: Definitely, yeah. Well, one thing that I will point out is if you're using the new AdWords UI, I believe Carrie Albright actually mentioned this during her talk on PPC and I was literally digging in during the talk and I was able to see this and it was pretty mind blowing.

If you navigate to your portfolio bid strategies, you can actually see how fast your rule has been learning so obviously, you would want to make you you have the right amount of time but there will be a nice little bar that shows up underneath your performance.

And the new AdWords UI will give you some cues as to saying, "Hey, it's still learning. Some of the budgets are constrained. Might want to open them up," or "Hey, there was a composite change to the rule," whether you set up a big max simulate or a bid minimum floor, it will let you know when those updates were made on the wall and how much longer it needs to learn.

So, that's one of the features from the new UI that I actually really like.

JD Prater: Yeah, that's another great tip as well. And I guess we have to give some sort of applause to the new UI because this one of the things that they did really well but that is something that I've definitely taken a look at and I do think it's important.

Whenever you make a change, you have to realize it has to relearn from that change. And you're trying to make changes everyday, you're basically messing with that algorithm's learning curve.

And so, a lot of times you just need to make a change, wait, and see what happens. It's the wait part that everyone kind of struggles with when you're in there trying to control everything.

Nate Velazquez: Definitely, yeah. I've run into this problem before myself. You set up a new rule and performance tanks.

I'm more of a fan of just removing the automated rule and managing it manually, getting back at the performance that you would like and then applying the rule again.

So, just for example, back in Black Friday this past Q4, we had a lot of automated rules set up. We planned way ahead of time for our Black Friday so, we already knew we wanted to do this but we pause our automated rules on Black Friday and on several Mondays so we can manage all of our bidding manually.

And we saw some really, really great results. I mean, compared to the previous Black Friday, I don't want to use any exact numbers here but I know that we crushed our ROIs out of the park, revenue was crushed out of the park, client was really happy.

We certainly put in a lot of time but to see those results, we were very pleased.

JD Prater: Yeah, and that's another good one too is actually prepping for Q4 and whatever you're actually thinking about it.

I mean, you've mentioned it twice now. It's like actually having a plan for shopping that time of the season when most ecom are actually making the most amount of money.

So, don't just start doing it in late October, early November but really, really start think about it now and to figure that part out.

Nate Velazquez: Yeah, it's funny you mentioned that. Not only do we have cyber Monday, now we have cyber Monday extended so a lot of those deals run to about Tuesday as well.

Sometimes you have the pre Black Friday deals. So, for us in ecom, it's pretty much Black Friday, cyber Monday week or month, depending on what deals are running.

Yeah, absolutely having a plan in place, you should start thinking about your Q4 plan is going to be around August, to be quite frank.

You should definitely have some strategies in place, how you go on in bidding place, coverage so, whether it's in house or the account team. Just ensuring that someone's keeping an eye on performance over the week end, on that Saturday after Black Friday, on that Sunday after Black Friday, into the cyber Monday week as well.

Really just communicating everything ahead of time to either your internal team or your client that not only do we have to document a plan in place but this is going to to help us hit the goals that we want to hit.

JD Prater: Definitely. And you mentioned some really great positive results.

So now, let's talk about some fun stuff like what are some mistakes that you've seen yourself make or your team make or clients make when it comes to shopping campaigns?

Nate Velazquez: So, I think one of the easiest oversights when it comes to shopping campaigns is how you're handling your device bidding.

Some retailers will see really good performance on mobile and some other won't. I definitely made the error in the past of kind of keeping all my bids neutral at a bid of zero and then we launch a campaign and a week later, mobile's eating up 75% of you budget and you're way bellow your ROIs goals and then you go and you look at your device results and you're like, "Oh, well, looks like we need to bid down on mobile."

So, I would say definitely paying attention to your device bids. And then obviously, as we mentioned a couple of times, Q4 is really big deal so just making sure that you have full visibility during the day.

So, if you have any day parting set up or if you have any day of the week bidding set up, just ensure that you have full coverage so that if you're bidding, let's say, -33% on a Monday that maybe you take that off the week before Black Friday so you have full visibility and reach as many people as possible.

Those are some of the mistakes that I've made in the past and have definitely learned from those.

JD Prater: Nice, nice. Let's kind of shift gears here around what AdWords is actually released for shopping.

So, they've released the new products like what example here being the showcase. So, what are some of the things that you've been excited about over maybe the last year or so, what they've released and some of the things that you think people should really be jumping on?

Nate Velazquez: So, yeah, the soaking shopping campaigns have worked really well. I've run them myself and it's particularly more of brand awareness play for at least the experience that I saw.

We didn't necessarily hit out ROIs goals on that campaign but it did contribute to increasing convergence for our shopping campaigns overall.

I know some other Seer team members have seen some pretty similar results too so, for those who aren't familiar with the showcase shopping campaign, it's almost a showcase for your products at the brand level.

So, you're going to need a dedicated image as opposed to using images from your products feed but getting in a dedicated image from your design team or your agency shouldn't be too much of a problem.

And then you pretty much show literally a showcase for your products. Like for someone who makes t-shirts, you might show an image of a couple of t-shirts, provide a final URL for on that landing page and actually take a look at those products.

So, showcase shopping campaigns have worked really well and actually, one other release that just came out was shoppable actions. It's still technically in beta so, I haven't got in a chance to explore this yet but basically, it's on a cost per sale model and it would integrate with some of the voice search stuff that Google's doing with their Google Assistant in Google Home.

There's a blog post that I'll share with those who are interested in from Yaderin's blog but I'd say this is going to increase pretty significantly later this year, maybe more so in the 2019.

I think a lot of us quite nailed down what we're doing with voice search and there's a still a lot of thought that has to go into that but voice search is definitely going and if you have the ability and you have the capabilities, you might want to contact your Google rep to learn more about that. It's called shoppable actions.

JD Prater: Nice. And I'll make sure to link that in the show notes so you guys can have access to that blog as well.

So, let's kind of think through. So, we know that Google's big conference is coming up here I think at the end of May. What are some things that you think they might announce?

This is us looking into our crystal ball, if you will. What are some things that you would hope they might announce within this conference for specifically around the shopping eCommerce world?

Nate Velazquez: That's a pretty good question. Off the top of my head, I don't really have any ideas into what they might be releasing or announcing.

I know that they put a lot of time into their smart bidding platforms, especially over the last year. Really just doubling down on AI machine learning for target ROIs and for target CPA.

So, they might release some new smart bidding option. Maybe it will be cost per sale or, I'm sorry, the paper sale model which is what they have for this new beta.

I'd be a little hesitant to try that out myself but anything's worth a test, right?

JD Prater: Nice, nice. I mean, if you could have them announce or develop anything, you got anything on your wish list?

If AdWords is listening right now, what would be on your wish list?

Nate Velazquez: Oh, okay. So, if they were listening right now, I would love to see some way to actually view the product feeds in the merchant center.

I know you can download them but some clients or your in house, if you're in house, you really shouldn't run into this problem but if you're working with a client, you might not have direct access to their feed through whatever reason.

Being able to actually view the feed in the merchant center would be very, very helpful. It's something that I wish we could have yesterday.

I know that you'll get merchant center warnings and you'll get disapprovals and it will give you some mine items but actually being able to view the feed in the merchant center would be huge.

So, if we could get that today, that would be great.

JD Prater: Nice, nice. Well, let's kind of wrap up here with kind of thinking through.

We talked about this explosive growth of AdWord shopping. If you could leave all of the people listening here with maybe one, two bits of good advice or nuggets, what advice would you leave them with?

Nate Velazquez: Sure. So, I would absolutely say use negatives. That's the number one takeaway that I would absolutely recommend.

So if we go back to our men's products example, if I have my men's t-shirts ad group, not only should I exclude those other products at the product group level but I should add negatives for tank tops if I'm not selling tank tops or the different products, athletic apparel.

Use your negative to help filter your shopping campaigns so they can be very, very strong.

Obviously, you're going to kind of have your universal negatives across the board which are going to be applied at the account level but you should look to ad a specific campaign negatives and ad group negatives as well.

So, that way that the products are showing are only the products that you want them to. I think that's something that a lot of retailers are doing. I don't know if they're doing it as well.

So, take a look at your search terms, dive in there, see what's search queries you're showing up for that you don't want to and just go ahead and negate them right away.

I would say that should be something they should move on sooner rather than later and then go ahead and look to do some audience testing with the different audiences that AdWords kind of builds in.

Your old visitors, your shopping cart visitors, your shopping cart abandoners. Really take advantage of those audiences that are created and do some audience testing.

You might come up with your own bid modifiers but generally you'll bid more on the bottom of funnel users and people that are just all visitors.

So, someone who navigated to the shopping cart but didn't complete a purchase, maybe try increasing your bids 50%.

If you have a lot of repeat visitors then definitely leverage those audiences well so, someone who purchased in the last 30 days, maybe you increase the bids there.

If people are coming back and they're purchasing once or twice a month, if it's some of those kind of products that people reorder frequently, but yeah, I would say explore audience bidding for sure.

Work with your either in house team or analytics team. So, set up some deeper audience as well.

The Seer team's done a lot of cool stuff with user scoring and I know there's some great blogs on the site that people can check out and then, yeah, definitely take a look at your device bids as well and those negatives that I mentioned before.

JD Prater: Nice. That's three fantastic tips to leave everyone with so, yeah, man.

Thanks again for coming on. Where can people reach out to you, follow up with you if you have questions? Where can they find you online?

Nate Velazquez: Sure. So, I'm on LinkedIn. I'm just Nate Velazquez. Feel free to send me an invite on Twitter @naccyvela so, I'm definitely going to warn everyone.

It's a bit out 50% PPC, about 50% everyone else so if you're cool with that, feel free to follow me and we can talk.

JD Prater: Nice. And I'll be sure to link those in the show notes so yeah.

So, thanks again everyone for listening. Nate definitely had some great, great tips here for those running some eCommerce campaigns and really getting into those shopping campaigns.

So, thanks again, Nate, for coming on and working with us and helping us figure out some of the ins and outs of shopping campaigns.

Nate Velazquez: Absolutely. Thanks for having me on, JD.

JD Prater: Alright. Until next time, we'll see you guys next week.

Good. Nice, man.

Nate Velazquez: Cool. I feel like that came out pretty well.

JD Prater: Yeah, man. That was good. There's going to be some good stuff in there for sure.

Nate Velazquez: There was one or two spots where I know I kind of fumbled with my words a little bit. I don't necessarily think it needs to get edited out unless there was something that you guys want to do. Feel free to.

But it was fun.

JD Prater: Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I think that was good. That was really good. I think you definitely got some good pro tips in there, very actionable so, I think everyone will like this one but, yeah.

So, quick for me ... Let me look at my schedule really quick. I don't think I can turn this around tomorrow but I would love to. Let me look real quick.

Because that was a really clean cut so it's not going to need a ton of editing.

Nate Velazquez: Cool.

JD Prater: Nice. Okay, 11:45. I got an hour. Okay. Let me see if I can get it done. If I can get it done today, it would go tomorrow. If not, then it will go out next Tuesday but I'll let you know once it's live for sure.

I'll send you the link. That way, you can share it around as well.

Nate Velazquez: Yeah. Sounds good, man. I'll send you the ... I sent you the links for the reports but I'll send you my blog, I'll send you the user scoring Seer blog and then I'll send you the blog for the shoppable actions on Google too.

But yeah, man. This was great. Again, thanks for having me on. I really appreciate it.

JD Prater: Yeah, definitely. And if you want to send across at that time too your Twitter link, LinkedIn and maybe like a short bio as well that will make it that much faster for me to turn around.

Nate Velazquez: You got it, man.

JD Prater: Cool. Alright, man. Well, thanks again for coming on and really good stuff. I really appreciate it.

Nate Velazquez: No problem again, man. Definitely hope to see you again in the future.

Try and hit a conference later this year, maybe next year but I know you guys are doing a lot cool stuff.

JD Prater: Yeah, man. Well, Seer's ready. I mean, you guys use us for a couple of clients but not for every client, so yeah. We'd love to have you guys of course use us more for automation.

Nate Velazquez: Alright, man. Take care.

JD Prater: Bye.

AdStage Team