This Week in Ad News

This Week in Ad Tech: Ad Spend To Reach $600B, New AdWords Editor, AdWords Scripts & More...

AdStage Team 3 minute read

Every week, we curate the flood of online advertising articles and resources to create This Week in Ad Tech. Check out this week's news, how-tos, and trends from the world of online advertising.


how to optimize your campaigns with adwords scripts

How To Optimize Your Campaigns with AdWords Scripts

There are many techniques that marketers use to optimize their AdWords accounts. Some choose a very manual approach using AdWords Editor to make bulk changes, some use 3rd Party bidding tools that use an algorithm to help achieve a desired goal, and some use both. In this post, I will offer an alternative route and show you how AdWords scripts can help make some really important optimizations that will take your campaigns to the next level. Read More...

By Kent Pearce | @ kentapearce


Google Overhauls AdWords Editor: Version 11 Released Globally
Editor now supports more bulk editing features and enables side-by-side...

New Widget In AdWords Makes Countdown Copy Easy
Quickly set up countdowns in ads without having to type variable strings...

Google Launches Custom Columns In AdWords For Deeper Segmentation
Advertisers can segment metrics at the campaign and ad group levels...

Google Saying No Credit Cards For Large AdWords Customers
Large Customer Sales accounts will be transitioned to invoicing. The post...

Video Analytics Page in AdWords for Video launched
In AdWords for video, you add targeting and budgets to YouTube videos to...

Drive Downloads and Re-Engagement for Your Mobile App
There are millions of mobile apps with more introduced every day. But as we...

Google Rolling Out Search App Engagement Ads With Deep Linking
Rolling out of beta this week, the search engagement ad is the latest in...

Google Shopping May Go Deeper Into Ecommerce With “Buy Now” Button
Google is reportedly floating the idea of a "Buy Now" button and two-day...

Google’s Responsive Lightbox Ads Now Available In AdWords
The rich media ad units automatically resize to fit all screens and can...

Bing Adds Search to Microsoft Office
Users will soon be able to search with Bing within Microsoft Office Word...

Twitter Enables Ad Targeting Based On Mobile App Actions
Mobile app advertisers can create tailored audiences based on installs...

Facebook Revamps Ads Report Dashboard in Ads Manager
Facebook rolled out a revamped ads report dashboard for its Ads Manager...

Facebook Drops Bing From Facebook Search Results
The end to a long relationship with Microsoft search is another signal that...

How Facebook is trying to compete for TV ad dollars
People-based marketing. Prepare to hear that term a lot more as Facebook...

App Install Ads Now Available Through Yahoo Gemini
Starting today, U.S. advertisers with managed accounts can now use Yahoo...


Get Qualified Traffic with AdWords Similar Audiences
Every ad network promises to help marketers reach potential customers, but...

How To Spend Small, Win Big with PPC This Christmas
By now, everyone has heard of Black Friday, and the common belief is that...

Is Your PPC Budget Setting You Up To Fail?
It’s that time of year when we as advertisers reflect back on the last 12...

Find Your Optimal Cost-Per-Click
If you were to ask a PPC specialist which metrics are most important, most of...

Understanding Auction Dynamics: Why More Traffic Can Mean Less Revenue
What's the relationship between traffic and revenue in SEM? Columnist...

Understanding Cross-Device Attribution And Adjusting Campaigns Accordingly
Columnist Mona Elesseily explains why multi-device attribution is important...

Up Close With Facebook’s New Interest Targeting Tool
First look: How to get started with the social network's feature that helps...

The Ideal Naming Convention for Facebook Advertising Campaigns
The best advertisers are organized. They can easily and efficiently find any...

Three Tips for Improving Twitter Ad Campaigns
You could say I’ve become mildly addicted to Twitter ads recently. Without...

3 Ways LinkedIn Advertising is Different Than Other Paid Social Platforms
LinkedIn Advertising gets classified a few ways. It gets called “Paid Social...


Advertisers Will Spend Nearly $600 Billion Worldwide in 2015
US, China, Japan, Germany and the UK lead as the top five ad markets...

Facebook Says Redesigned Right-Rail Ads Are Performing Better
Millward Brown eye-tracking test shows more people are noticing and reading...

Report: Apple iPhone Drives Half Of All Mobile Internet Traffic
Across both mobile web and apps Apple generates majority of traffic...

2 Billion Consumers Worldwide to Get Smart(phones) by 2016
Over half of mobile phone users globally will have smartphones in 2018...

Mobile Ad Spend in China Hits $7 Billion This Year
China alone to account for over 15% of global mobile internet ad spend...

What Factors Affect Mobile CPM Prices?
Despite higher supply than demand, mobile CPMs were up in 2014...

2014, The Year Google Display Network Grew Up: Will SEMs Embrace It?
Google Display Network targeting has received many small upgrades this...

The Dynamics Of The Search Ad Marketplace: Dissecting A Moving Target
Columnist John Cosley of Microsoft shares insights about how Cost Per Click...

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