This Week in Ad News

This Week in Ad Tech: July 21, 2015

AdStage Team 2 minute read

This Week in Ad Tech: Check out this week's news, how-tos, and trends from the world of online advertising.


The Complete Comparison Guide for Retargeting on Facebook

The Comparison Guide for Retargeting on Facebook

When retargeting users through Facebook Ads, you have two options. You can use either Custom Audiences or Facebook Exchange (FBX). But which option should you pick? Overall, there is no right answer, as what you pick depends on the circumstances. This table below highlights what the capabilities are with each of the solutions. Below we’ll walk you through some use-cases that will explain how to use some of these products with your Facebook retargeting and direct response campaigns. Read More...

Bryson Runser | @brunser19


12 Biggest Things To Happen In PPC So Far In 2015
columnist Ratko Vidakovic explains why marketers need to leverage the...

Google Product Listing Ads With “Price Drop”
Google has added a new type of notation to their Product Listing...

Introducing more powerful Dynamic Search Ads, built for your business
Whether it’s “hotels near me” or “nearby hotels,” people often search for...

360 Degree Youtube Video Ads Let Advertisers Deliver Richer Experience
Google introduced 360-degree video ads on YouTube today that will allow...

Bing to Prohibit Multiple Display URL Domains Under the Same Ad Group
Bing has made an amendment to its advertising policy to prohibit...

Bing Ads Adding Title Tag from Ad’s Landing Page to Ad Copy
Another day, another new Bing Ads test. This one showcases the...

Bing Ads Testing Ads With Images in Search Results
Normally when you think of the Bing – or Google – search results, you...


How Google's Display Network Boosts Search PPC Performance
Using Google Display Networks, one client saw a massive increase in...

AdWords Brand CPCs Rising? Here’s Why And What You Can Do About It
Many advertisers have noticed a recent surge in costs per click (CPCs)...

Tricks For Running AdWords Scripts In Multiple Accounts
I've put together three tips for running AdWords scripts in multiple...

Create Your Own Display Audiences With Custom Affinity Segments
Know about Custom Affinity Segments for the Google Display Network...

Are You Tracking the Most Important PPC Stats?
Too many marketers are too cavalier about checking their PPC...

The PPC Check-Mate Checklist to Switching Websites
If you have an e-commerce or lead-gen website, I’m sure you...

Target User Intent With Bing Native Ads
This week Bing Ads announced a beta of Bing Native Ads, which...

New Device Launch Campaigns: Insights For Online Advertising Success
About to launch your first device-specific paid search campaign for...


Instagram Mobile Ad Revenues to Reach $2.81 Billion Worldwide in 2017
Instagram mobile ad revenues worldwide will hit $595 million this year...

Twitter Zooms Back Up comScore Rankings, Gains 11 Million Visitors
Finally, some good news for Twitter. The embattled company might not...

80 Percent Of Mobile Marketers Using Location, Mostly As Audience Proxy
Location-based advertising is being used by a majority of mobile...

Mobile's Big for Small-Business Owners
Small-business owners are hooked on mobile devices, with more than...

Marketers Looking to Improve Mobile Search Advertising ROI
Although marketers continue to boost spending on mobile search...

Millennial Shoppers Still Aren't Mobile
Mobile millennials aren't big on using their devices for purchases, with...

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