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This Week in Ad Tech: Week of October 7, 2014

AdStage Team 2 minute read

Every week, I curate the flood of online advertising articles and resources to create This Week in Ad Tech. Check out this week's news, how-tos, and trends from the world of online advertising.


maximize your ppc budget

How To Maximize Your PPC Budget

Whether you are working with limited cash or a hefty sum with a lot of moving parts, effective budget management can be the deciding factor for either retaining a contract or getting more marketing dollars. Read More...

Kent Pearce | @kentapearce


No More Promiscuous Newsfeed Experimentation, Facebook Lays Out Research Guidelines
This summer many Facebook users were appalled that the social networking...

Facebook Mobilizes The Like Button
Previewed at this year’s F8 Facebook developer conference, Facebook has...

Bing Ads Debuts Enhanced Sitelinks In US
Enhanced Sitelinks are now available on Bing Ads in the U.S., and will be...

LinkedIn Now Shows How You Sparked That Engagement
LinkedIn is giving users more detailed information about what prompts people...

Automatic Item Updates Available for Google Shopping
Want to see a 50% reduction in your price-related item disapprovals for...

Report: Twitter Will Woo App Developers With “Twitter Fabric” Platform
Twitter plans to launch a new app development platform, called...

Google Brings Estimated Cross-Device Conversions To Display Ads
With users engaging on multiple devices throughout their day, marketers face...


What To Do When Your Display Campaign Loses Volume
Display campaigns can be a great source of leads, but they can also be tricky...

Top holiday tips for retailers
With October kicking off this week, the holiday shopping season is just...

Fonts & Conversion Optimization: Everything You Need To Know
One of the most-overlooked areas in conversion optimization is the role...

Rethink Your LinkedIn Strategy: 6 Benefits Of Treating It More Like Twitter
When you limit your LinkedIn network to only connections you personally...

Revealing Mobile’s True Impact With Google Analytics
When seeking insights for your mobile traffic, we can often settle into the...

How To Create Over 50 AdWords Alerts Not Available In AdWords
Create alerts specifically for you. AdWords automated rules are great...

25 Reasons to Use Bing Ads Now
Bing gives us 25 reasons to use their ad platform...

5 Steps To Choose The Right Pay Per Click Company
Choosing a PPC management agency that can maintain and expand...


Your Health On Facebook? Healthcare Communities May Be Coming
Facebook is looking to get into the healthcare business, according to a report...

These 3 New Technologies Should Keep Marketers Awake At Night
With so many exciting innovations on the horizon, which ones will marketers...

SMBs: Are You Using Facebook's Promoted Posts?
Facebook is benefitting from small and medium-sized businesses' (SMBs')...

Google Releases Video Series On Taking Your Local Business Online
Google’s Maile Ohye, a well-known personality in the SEO space, has...

How Digital Is Shaping Auto Marketing
Contributor James Green lays out the state of the automotive industry's...

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