Facebook Ads

Top 5 Facebook Ad Reports – and How to Get Them

AdStage Team 3 minute read

It’s always been easy to create ads in Facebook, but until recently, pulling reports with actionable data had been notoriously difficult. But now that Facebook reports have been completely overhauled, it’s easy to get the data you need to discover improvement opportunities.

In this post, we’ll take a look at the Top 5 Facebook Reports along with detailed instructions on how to access them.

1. The Placement Report

The Facebook Placement Report breaks down your account’s performance by placement and device. This helps you discover the most profitable ad placements to optimize for and focus on.

In the example below, the ads placed in the news feed on mobile devices have the highest level of engagement. In light of this, it would make sense for this advertiser to create more ads for the mobile news feed. He/she can set the placement to include the mobile news feed only, upload the ideal images for that placement’s dimensions, and write ad copy and calls to action that take the mobile context into consideration.

facebook ads page report

To access the Placement Report:

1. Visit the Reports page from the Ads Manager sidebar
2. Click the Edit Columns button above the table
3. Click Placement under Column Set on the left
4. Make any desired tweaks to the rows (data aggregation) and columns (metrics)
5. Click Save Columns

2. Demographic Report

The Facebook Demographic Report breaks down your ad performance by the age and gender of your audience. This way you can discover the most profitable customer to focus on and optimize for.

In the example below, women between the ages of 25–34 were highly engaged with the ads, while men were less inclined to click. In light of this disparity, it might make sense to separate your ads by their targeted gender in order to craft ads that men would respond better to.

facebook ads page report

To access the Demographic Report:

1. Visit the Reports page from the Ads Manager sidebar
2. Click the Edit Columns button above the table
3. Click Demographic under Column Set on the left
4. Make any desired tweaks to the rows (data aggregation) and columns (metrics)
5. Click Save Columns

3. Page Report

The Facebook Page Report includes page engagement metrics to show the impact each of your ads had on your Page. This way you can discover which ads are doing the most for your Facebook Page.

In the example below, the AdStage – Sponsored Stories ad has a lower Cost per Page Like, but with significantly lower volume. The advertiser may want to take steps to increase the volume of AdStage – Sponsored Stories by either raising the bid or expanding the targeted audience with the goal of getting more likes at a Cost per Page Like well below the $0.48 it costs him with the Likes – Ad Tech – PPC Interests ad.

facebook ads page report

To access the Page Report:

1.  Visit the Reports page from the Ads Manager sidebar
2. Click the Edit Columns button above the table
3.  Click Page under Column Set on the left
4. By default, this report shows your Page performance on the campaign level, but you may find it helpful to switch this to the ad level. To see ad level data, click Ad under Data Aggregation
5. Click Save Columns

4. Conversion Report

The Facebook Conversion Report includes conversion metrics to show performance relative to your conversion goals. This way you can discover which ads are helping you reach your goals.

In the example below, the AdStage – Website campaign has a lower Cost per Website Conversion than the AdStage – Likes campaign. The advertiser should compare the ad copy, images, and targeting to see if there is anything that can be done to lower costs in the AdStage – Likes campaign.

facebook ads conversion report

To access the Conversion Report:

1. Visit the Reports page from the Ads Manager sidebar
2. Click the Edit Columns button above the table
3. Click Conversion under Column Set on the left
4. By default, this report shows your conversion performance on the campaign level, but you may find it helpful to switch this to the ad level. To see ad level data, click Ad under Data Aggregation
5. Click Save Columns

5. General Report

The General Report is a great starting point for ad analysis and comes with a slew of performance metrics. You can either take it as it comes, or completely customize it to discover new opportunities.

facebook ads general report

To access the General Report:

1. Visit the Reports page from the Ads Manager sidebar
2. Click the Edit Columns button above the table
3. Click General under Column Set on the left
4. Customize this report by adjusting the:

  • Data Aggregation – Choose which levels of your account should be segmented (e.g., by Campaign).
  • Data Breakdown – Choose how the report should be further broken down (e.g., by Country).
  • Metrics – Choose which performance metrics you’d like displayed as columns (e.g., Cost Per Page Like).

5. Click Save Columns

Now that you know how to access and customize the top reports, spend some time analyzing your Facebook ads to see what opportunities you can discover! In digital marketing, every decision should be backed by data and these are precisely the reports can equip you to make data-driven decisions.

Tie Facebook campaigns to revenue

Are you tracking Facebook campaigns from clicks to revenue? Learn how with closed-loop reporting .

This post was originally published at FBPPC.com .

AdStage Team