This Week in Ad News

Twitter Native Video Ads, Syncing Facebook Lead Ads with Your CRM, & More...

AdStage Team 2 minute read

This Week in Ad Tech: Check out this week's news, how-tos, and trends from the world of online advertising.


Instagram ads on adstage

Best Practices for Your Instagram Ads

Facebook recently enabled access to Instagram ads as a placement to all advertisers via Power Editor and the Facebook Ads API. As an Ads API partner, we are excited to offer Instagram ads as part of the AdStage platform. Read More

Jana Fung | @jana_fung


Twitter is beta testing in-app native video ads
Twitter is adding another option to its ad network, in-app native video ads...

Yahoo and Google Together Again In New Search Deal
Deal to put Google's results and ads into some of Yahoo's search results...

Windows 10 is a Bing honeypot — and it's working
Search advertising revenue grew 29% in constant currency with Bing US market...

Google’s Shopping Insights tool shows retailers product search at the local level
Shopping Insights highlights search intent trends for roughly 5,000 products...

Google Rolls Out RLSA To AdWords Shopping Campaigns
With the holidays fast approaching, PPC advertisers received an early gift...


How to Sync Facebook Lead Ad Contacts With Your CRM
Facebook has made CRM integration available through the advertising API....

Shopping Remarketing Lists Can Increase Your CTR & CVR by 400%
Marketers should absolutely take advantage of the new targeting...

When Should You Stop an A/B Test?
The first step toward becoming a smart optimizer is to stop believing in magic...

Everything You Need To Know About Ad Extensions
Ad Extensions now play a huge part in the appearance and success of ads...

Pay Per Click in a Multi-Bid Optimization Strategy World
The “Max CPC” number is no longer relevant if you fully exploit your options...

How Dopamine Can 3X Your AdWords CTR
Dopamine is in the driver’s seat when it comes to human behavior...

How Does Match Type Impact Performance?
One of the first lessons you learn in PPC is the different keyword match types...

Tune Into #PPCPodcast


For Every $3 Spent on Digital Ads, Fraud Takes $1
Some $18.5 Billion Will Be Lost To Ad Fraud In 2015...

U.S. digital advertising at record high in first half of 2015: IAB
Digital ad spending in the U.S. hit $27.5 billion in the first half of 2015...

Facebook Says Nearly One Third of Shopping Transactions Are On Mobile
Social network predicts mobile shopping to surge during the fourth quarter...

PPC ads are still an effective tactic: Study
Sixty percent say PPC ads are performing better this year than 2014...

SEM stats: 20+ of the most interesting from this week
Micro-moments, Big Shopping Days, Rise of the Mobile Buyer, and more...

YouTube's ad-supported channels have spiked 471% over the last year

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