Digital Marketing

What Happens After You Write That Ebook?

AdStage Team 4 minute read

First of all, congratulations! Writing an ebook is a massive endeavor, and there were likely many people, pieces, opinions, and revisions involved. Now it’s time to make sure all that hard work pays off by properly marketing your masterpiece.

Sending as many people as you possibly can to the ebook is the primary goal, but before we get there, let’s back up and make sure you’re getting everything you can from those readers. That starts with an effective landing page.

What happens after you write that ebook? via

Build A Gated Landing Page

When someone clicks on an ad, link, or email, you want to provide them with an informational and enticing page where you can also collect valuable information about him or her. You don’t want to overwhelm or deter someone from following through on accessing your ebook, so asking for their email should be your number one priority. Also, determine the information that’s most helpful to correctly market to them later. Depending on your product, that could be questions about their industry, company size, etc. You may want to check with your sales team to see what questions they ask when assessing a lead.

The landing page should also include information on what the person will get in the ebook. That could include a page or two from the book, testimonials from early readers, a chapter title look at the information provided in the book, or anything else you think might help “sell” it.

Here are some companies that know a thing or two about making great landing pages:

Also, check out our 5 Easy Ways To Boost PPC Landing Page Conversions for tips on how to maximize your page.

Create Compelling Messaging

Now that you know where you’re sending people, it’s time to open the doors and invite them in. Comb through your ebook (although you probably have the whole thing memorized by now), and take note of any content you can repurpose for ads, social media posts, cross-promotional emails, and any other channels you might use to reach new customers. Great opportunities include infographics, blog posts, one-liner tips, quotes, and photos. You spent all that time creating that content. Squeeze every bit of usefulness out of it that you can!

Find The Right Channels

The most effective channel is one where you can feel confident you’re delivering your message to the person who is most likely to convert, or in this case, provide their email.

Comb through your contacts or research potential partners and influencers who might help you cross-promote using their email lists or social media channels. If they post about this topic a lot and you have a good ebook, it’s a genuine ask. They’d probably like to read and promote what you’ve got.

Get into PPC mode and define your target audience for effective campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Check out How To Do Mobile Social Advertising The Right Way for a reminder of each social platform’s capabilities and the type of content that performs the best. And our post How To Drive Social Media Traffic To Your Landing Page talks more about the power of these channels.

Thanks to the type of content you labored over for your ebook, you can tap into more non-traditional channels, too. Grab some of the book’s main points and create a short presentation to upload to Slideshare . Invite people to access the rest by clicking a link to your landing page. Go Hollywood and record a short video about the ebook to upload to YouTube. Facebook Live is a great option, too. And, finally, don’t forget what’s already right in front of you – your website. Design a banner or pop-up and stick it all over your .com and blog. If you can catch someone who’s already checking out your offerings, you’ve already won half the battle.

Support Your Content With More Content

Oh man, just when you thought you were done writing and designing infographics. But seriously, hooking people with smaller pieces of content is a super efficient way to get qualified leads. Write and publish blog posts that are related to your ebook and encourage readers to dive deeper into the subject by downloading the book. This is also a great strategy to get customers excited pre-launch. You can show off your experience and authority and get anticipation going for the big unveiling. As you’re deciding what to write, be sure to pay extra attention to your SEO strategy. These blog posts are a valuable opportunity to attract highly interested visitors who are already searching for information on your topic.

What happens after you write that ebook? via

Announce Your ebook To Current Subscribers

Wait, what? Isn’t that defeating the purpose of using the book to get new emails? Not at all. In fact, it’s low-hanging fruit when it comes to strengthening your authority with people who already find you useful, not to mention the opportunity for word-of-mouth marketing from some of your best customers. Your ebook could also be what pushes them down the marketing funnel.

Use Email Addresses For Continued Marketing

Let’s assume you have strong ebook content, fascinating messaging, and utilization of strategic marketing channels. The email addresses are flooding in, and you want to make the most of them. Decide which goal or goals you want to accomplish immediately. Do you want to provide more value before you hit them with an offer? Create bonus material related to your ebook and send it out through an email drip. If you have an offer they can’t refuse, hit ‘em with that through an email. If you prefer to take a more subtle approach, use the email addresses to create a PPC audience and serve them ads related to your offering. Use the information you collected about them on the landing page to create segmented lists and develop content that’s most relevant to them. These email addresses are the golden ticket to continue marketing to a group of people who have shown a strong interest in what you’re selling. Use them wisely, but don’t be afraid to use them.

Organize Your Content

You’ve spent so much time creating valuable information, the last thing you want is for it to get lost on your site. Especially if you plan on publishing more ebooks, make sure you have an organized strategy for how you’ll host everything. Because this content is evergreen, you’ll be able to include it in your marketing strategy indefinitely. Take a look at how Wistia and Intercom present their previously published material.

You already know about the power of a well-written ebook, or you wouldn’t have created one in the first place. By using the above tips, you’ll ensure your ebook has a happy ending.

AdStage Team