Digital Marketing

What It Takes To Launch an Ad Campaign

AdStage Team 2 minute read

Ready to start advertising online? This quick checklist will help you get to know the different aspects of launching a new campaign and provide relevant resources throughout.

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What's the goal of your campaign? What results would you like to see? Are you promoting your brand, driving traffic to your site, collecting leads, or driving sales? Defining your goal will help you judge your campaign performance and ensure success. Once you define your goal, you can set up conversion tracking and measure how each aspect of your campaign performs against that goal. Learn how to track conversions with Google Analytics.

Budget & Schedule

How much do you want to spend on this campaign? Will your budget be renewed monthly or is it a limited flight? If it’s limited, do you want to schedule an end date? You’ll need to decide on a campaign budget and schedule when building your campaign. Learn how to set your campaign budgets .


Who should see your ads? Think about who your intended audience is. Do you want people in Europe to see your ads? What about teenagers? You want to allocate your ad spend towards the most profitable audience segment, the people most likely to want what your ad promotes.

Social Audience Targeting
With social networks you can define the type of person you'd like to reach with your ads. If you have marketing personas, they will come in handy here. Learn about social targeting with our audience targeting guides for Facebook and LinkedIn .

Search Audience Targeting
If you’re running a campaign on Google AdWords or Bing Ads, you'll reach your audience by targeting keywords in their searches. learn how to use the Google Keyword Planner to discover keywords, evaluate search volume and forecast your bid and budget performance. Once you have your keywords, you'll want to control when exactly they trigger your ads with keyword match types and negative keywords .


What will your ads say?

  • What will your ads promote? A product, white paper, content, etc.
  • What are the key benefits you will list?
  • What images can you use with your ad?
  • What headline, copy, and call to action will get potential customers to click on your ad?
  • What webpage will your ad point to? It’s important that the page you send visitors to will give them the content they need to convert from visitors to customers. Learn how to choose the perfect landing page.

Consider both your goals and your audience when creating ads to maximize success. See 5 tips for creating effective ads.

For search campaigns, what extensions can you add on to your adds? Extensions add extra features to your ads like phone numbers, links, reviews, and more.  At the very least, you’ll want to set up sitelinks which provide a handful of extra links to your ad. Learn how to use sitelink extensions.

For search campaigns, what are your competitors doing? It’s important to know the competitive landscape because your ads will be going head to head in a quest for clicks. You can easily see your competitors ads by simply conducting a search for the keywords you’re advertising on. If you’re using AdStage, you can see similar ads directly in the ad creation screen.


How do you want to structure your campaigns? Do you want to allocate budget to any particular product line? Do you want the same ads to run for every keyword or audience? Learn how to structure and setup campaigns.


Now that you know the different aspects of campaign creation, you’re ready to build your campaigns. If you'd like to build and manage campaigns for Google, Facebook, Bing, and LinkedIn from within the same interface, check out AdStage . If you'd like more information about the different ad networks, check out our guides.

AdStage Team