AdStage Products

What's New in AdStage: January

AdStage Team 3 minute read

The holidays can be a hectic time of year. Companies tend to slow down close to the holidays, trading in meetings and spreadsheets for secret santa meetups and eggnog, but not here at AdStage.

Even with holiday spirit in full swing, we still managed to ship features that will help you increase ad performance, better utilize campaign budgets, and make sweeping optimizations easily.

We’re ringing in the new year in a big way. Read on to learn about what’s new; including Ad Rotation Alpha, Twitter “Unpromote”, two metric comparison line graph and bar chart, custom metrics, and Facebook custom conversions.


Fight Ad Fatigue with Rotations [Alpha]!

We’re very excited to announce the newest Automate feature, Rotations [Alpha]! This is the first of three features that we will be bundled in the Ad Testing Suite: Rotations, Ad Testing (multivariate testing), and Flighting.

Use Rotations to schedule when to show sets of campaigns, ad sets / ad groups, or ads based on a time duration or performance metric. Once your sequence completes or starts a "rotation", you’ll get an email notification sent straight to your inbox.

For example, cycle through new groups of Facebook ad creative every two weeks to alleviate your target audience from seeing too many impressions of the same ad creative.

What's New in AdStage January Automate Ad Rotations via

What's New in AdStage January Automate Ad Rotations via

Schedule Your Campaigns to Show During the Times Your Want

Now you can easily choose ‘Weekdays Only (Mon - Fri)’, ‘Weekends Only (Sat - Sun)’, or Everyday when creating a schedule for campaigns and ad creative. Or quickly set up day parting by hour, so you only show campaigns during peak performance hours during a given day.

What's New in AdStage January Schedule Your Campaigns via

“Unpromote” or Pause Twitter Ads

Many AdStage customers today rely on Automate Rules to automatically pause underperforming ad creative across their search and social campaigns.

Twitter Ads are unique because unlike other social ad networks, like LinkedIn or Facebook, advertisers can’t pause a sponsored tweet or card, instead they can “unpromote” Twitter ads within their campaign or ad set.

To better accommodate our Twitter advertisers, we now offer a way to pause or “unpromote” poor performing ads based on the metrics you care about.

How to “unpromote” your Twitter ads:

  1. Select the Ad Level
  2. Select Twitter Network
  3. Set your IF condition.
    • This is where you select the performance threshold that will pause your Twitter ads.
  4. Select ‘Unpromote’ as your THEN condition

What's New in AdStage January Automate Twitter Unpromote via

Note: After a Promoted Tweet is paused, all account data is stored in AdStage including: ad, ad group, and campaign. On the Twitter ad network side, you shouldn’t see any Tweet/Ad level metrics.

Quickly Tidy Up Your Account with More Historical Performance Data

Automate Bulk Actions was specifically designed to help you quickly optimize or update campaigns, ad groups / ad sets, keywords, or ad creative all at once.

Some of our most active customers have requested the ability to quickly apply more flexible date range options to analyze and optimize their account, campaigns, and ads automatically.

You asked, we listened!

Now from the IF condition date selector in any of the Automate Task Types, you can choose from 6 additional lookback windows.

What's New in AdStage January More Historical Performance Data via


Optimize to What Matters with Custom Conversion Data

Create a unified Report you can easily share, markup, annotate, and customize with the conversion data you're already collecting in other marketing tools. Get a full view of the ads driving the most value, down to actual revenue and return on ad spend.

Now you can easily track and report on the number of custom conversions that resulted from a particular campaign, ad group/ad set, or ad within the same widget.

Use the AdStage Universal Data API to upload data from your CRM, Marketing Automation systems, apps, BI tools, and billing systems.

What's New in AdStage January Report Custom Metrics via

For example, an ecommerce site may want to track which ads lead to the highest spend in online orders for the least amount of dollars put in. By tracking return on ad spend (ROAS) as a conversion event or action, this customer may discover that ad copy with ‘Free Shipping’ result in the most conversions.

We are currently developing an easier way to upload your CRM and offline conversion information using a .CSV file.

Compare Two Metrics to Zero-In on Performance Trends

When reporting on a lot of key metrics, it’s meaningful and useful to see metrics plotted over time and compare performance trends.

Perfect your reporting views by comparing the performance trends of two metrics on any line graph table.  For example, if you wanted to gauge a campaign’s effectiveness, you can choose to view number of impressions compared to the number of clicks for that given time period.

How to generate a metric comparison view:

  1. Select line graph widget
  2. Click the metric drop-down menus above the chart
  3. Choose the two metrics you want to compare

What's New in AdStage January Report Two Metric Comparison via On your line/bar graph: the first metric in the ‘Field’ field = Y1  & the second metric = Y2

Facebook Custom Conversions Now Supported

Facebook-heavy marketers can view the number of conversions that result from an account, campaign, ad set, or ad and compare performance alongside other metrics.

Generate tables, bar charts, summaries, line charts, pie charts, and progress widgets to get a more granular performance report using Facebook Custom Conversions.

Adding your existing Facebook custom conversion is as simple as a selecting the desired metric within ‘Field’ while editing or creating your widget.

Have any questions or feedback about any of these features? We always love hearing from you! Drop us a line in the comment section below or email us at .

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P.S. Want to check out the full product release?

Visit our release notes portal , where we’ll be keeping you up-to-date with the latest and greatest from the AdStage labs!

AdStage Team