AdStage Products

What’s New with AdStage in May

AdStage Team 1 minute read

Check out the many new features added to AdStage this month!

New Report Center

Browse, customize and schedule performance reports in the new Report Center. You can even share insights with others on your team with recurring report emails. Learn more.

AdStage report center

Facebook Retargeting

Retarget lost site visitors with Facebook ads directly within AdStage. You can even segment site visitors by event– a feature available only in AdStage! Learn more.

facebook retargeting in adstage

Editable Budget Columns

Change your budgets quickly with editable budget columns. There's no need to open a campaign to make a change. Try it out.

adstage editable budget columns

LinkedIn Sponsored Updates

Create and manage LinkedIn Sponsored Updates directly within AdStage. These native ads let you promote your content across devices in the LinkedIn feed. Learn more.

linkedin sponsored updates

Sponsored Updates App

Optimize Sponsored Updates with insights and analytics, tailored messaging and conversion tracking. You can even select multiple updates to sponsor across multiple campaigns. Launch the app.

adstage linkedin sponsored updates app

Expanded Widget Metrics

Visualize and track the performance metrics you care about most. Widgets and graphs now offer even more metrics to choose from. Try it out.

expanded widget metrics

Sign up for AdStage to manage all your ad campaigns in one place!

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AdStage Team