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Why Clients Are Demanding Custom Reports

AdStage Team 3 minute read

It’s always a better feeling to receive something that’s been crafted with just you in mind. Think about those direct mail pieces addressed to “Resident.” Those go straight into the recycling every time. So when it comes to creating reports for clients, it’s no different. Overall, PPC campaigns across different accounts share similarities, but no two clients are the same (And even if you ever feel that they are, pro tip — don’t tell them!).

With the technology, metrics, tools, and information available today, clients want to see reports that are tailored specifically for them—from branded pages ( AdStage Report can do that for you!) to custom metrics to labels that reflect even their own unique internal terminology. For account managers, creating custom reports for every client might sound like a royal pain in the buns, but there are actually many benefits to be had for both parties.

Demonstrate A Unique Value To Clients

Not every agency is willing or able to deliver custom reports for all (or any…) of their clients. Giving clients a report that includes branded pages, a deep dive on the unique metrics that matter to them, and even renamed columns will help set you apart from competitors.

Surface The Data Most Important To Clients

Every client will want to see the usual data for spend, leads, and conversions but what if you’re running a campaign where one type of click matters more than another? You can create a metric like URL Clicks x 1.3 = Custom URL Clicks to better highlight the results you’re looking for.

Create Foolproof Equations For Custom KPIs

AdStage’s Calculated Metrics feature provides an easy metrics builder that lets you create custom KPIs using the metrics that are already available. No more double-checking the formula in your spreadsheet or asking someone else to check your work. Calculated Metrics lets you confidently calculate data with just a few clicks.

Give The Data More Context

By renaming columns to include better descriptors or your client’s unique internal lingo, you can provide a better narrative around certain metrics. Again using the example of the desired clicks, instead of calling the metrics Clicks 1, Clicks 2, and Clicks 3, you can highlight the custom URL clicks by renaming the column “custom URL clicks.” With Calculated Metrics, you can also color code numbers, to highlight when metrics or KPIs were in the red or green so clients can understand the full story at-a-glance.

Field Fewer Questions From Clients

You want to spend your time maximizing your clients’ budgets and moving the needle for their business, not on phone calls or replying to emails to explain a simple metric. Custom reports with tailored metrics and specifically named columns help clients better understand campaign and ad results since they speak directly to their objectives.

How Can I Use Calculated Metrics?

With AdStage’s Calculated Metrics feature, you can create custom KPIs by combining and altering current metrics across all networks integrated with AdStage. This means you can combine network-specific metrics for streamlined cross-network reporting, as well as alter existing metric calculations. AdStage customers commonly use Calculated Metrics for:

  1. ROAS: Calculate your own return on ad spend metrics to report back to your CMO or client.
  2. Rename a KPI: Clients don't always have the same PPC vocabulary as marketers. Change a confusing conversion name like "Complete Registration" to something more digestible like "Signups".
  3. Add weight to a metric: Does one type of click matter more than another for your strategy? Create a metric like URL Clicks x 1.3 = Custom URL Clicks.

How Do I Set Up A Calculated Metric?

Step 1: Navigate to the Calculated Metrics tab by hovering over the Data Management icon on the left-hand side of the screen.

Step 2: Click "Create New Metric" in the upper right-hand corner of the page.

Step 3: Write in your formula. You can use the buttons provided or simply type your formula out.

  • Calculated Metric formulas follow the order of PEMDAS (parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction).

Step 4: Name your metric.

Step 5: Give your metric a description (optional).

Step 6:  Choose a metric type, how to show increases (optional), and how to show totals (optional), then click Save.

  • If you using division in your formula, make sure to set 'Show Total As' to Recalculate. For example, if you're creating cost per lead or ROAS.

Step 7: Find your calculated metrics in the Fields drop-downs in Report to see them in action!

Click here to get started on your own calculated metrics .

Also keep in mind that any custom calculated metrics you create are available in every product that AdStage provides — Automate, Join, etc. — so that as you move around the platform to manage other aspects of your clients’ business, you’ll always have the work you’ve already done at your fingertips.

If you’re not already using AdStage to manage and optimize your paid media campaigns, join our 14-day free trial . And read more about AdStage Report and how it can help you design beautiful, branded reports by adding your logo, commentary, and markup. Send it to your clients or teammates with a custom URL.

AdStage Team